Wednesday, July 14, 2010 SSL configuration is invalid due to No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher (Errors & Solutions - #6)

I got this error while securing a service on GlassFish SSL configuration is invalid due to No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.


Alias names are case sensitive, using small letter instead of capital letters in "Certificate NickName" solved the problem


  1. Hello Karim,

    I'm having the same issue as well for a certificate signed by NetworkSolutions. Do you have any detailed steps to help resolve this?
    I'm using GF 3.1.1, and i'm using an alias just like the certificate name itself, all in small letters...

    Would appreciate any help you could provide ASAP really.

  2. Hi Mohammad, from the error text there may be many other reasons for such error, for me it was only because of case-sensitivity, if you found a solutions for your case please post it here to save time for other users
